Sunday, May 15, 2011


Why is it that decisions we make in our lives are so hard? Sometimes we feel that if we make the wrong decisions, we can break a heart, or ruin a relationship. It stinks to know, but what if we make the wrong decision. We already know that we will make wrong decisions, but how do we know that we can get back up from it.

Tonight I talked with Brittany about some great and important things. How do I know that after serving my mission for two years I am going to be in love. Will this love last like I want it to? I don't know the answers. Something that has been bugging me lately is my priorities. I have been worrying so much about relationships and things, that I don't even know why. I HAVE A MISSION. It's hard to say but, I shouldn't be stressing myself out. I don't know why I do it either. It's like, Brandon, wake up, you have a mission. I don't know what to do. Brittany is a person I love so much, but what if that love changes? What if I like other girls? Will I break her heart? Will she hate me forever? I mean, we aren't married or anything but what does that make me look like? I've never been the kind of guy, nor ever will be, to be the one to "Fill My Canteen" before my mission. Those I date I care about. They are really nice people and mean a lot to me. I've noticed a lot of different ways people "date" in their lives. Dating exclusively, dating anonymous.  Which is the right way? My mom lately has that she raised us without a handbook. She raised us to be who we were meant to be and how she felt about us. Is that how we should treat dating? Doing our best. You know Brittany and I are having a great relationship, but I'm wondering if we treat it to much like adults and if that is what's causing me stress? Should we be dating steady. I hate to say this but am I old enough to handle this? Was the strength of youth pamphlet made for us? Well duh, of course it was but how do we apply it to our lives. These are a few of the recent decisions I have had to make in my life. Stressful huh?

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