Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Relationships. Whoa, what a fun and exciting thing to talk about. It's so controversial. You know what I have decided; I don't have an opinion on relationships. It's to complicated to think about and decide which side you're on. It's funny how many times we, as humans, have talks and fights about what is wrong and what is right when it comes to dating relationships. We need to all stop and think for a moment... 

When I was in junior high, kissing was a very special thing, so I never really kissed girls. High school came along and I was in the same boat. Now, I have a friend who was in the same situation in junior high. When he arrived in high school, he had totally changed his views. He made out all the time and I just didn't understand what happened. The weird thing was he even liked the girls and wasn't just using them. My point I am trying to get at is don't judge people. Some people kiss more people than others in their life, it's just human. We need to stop judging them for that. It's their choice. 

Now I'm not saying it's okay to be a player and go out the next night or week and make out. I just want people to know that a kiss is special. A kiss can be very powerful. Seriously, think about it. When your with someone that you love, you have to take a risk, to find out if they feel the same way about you. You never know, until you try. I know some people take it casually, as you know. I don't blame or dislike those that take kissing casually, of course everyone likes it, we're human. 

It has something to do with hormones or whatever you want to call it. I believe that a kiss is something special. It's a heartfelt emotion about how you feel towards someone very special. You're expressing your feelings about them. Everyone should know that. It's a simple fact of what happens in life and relationships. I'm not sure why I blog about this kind of stuff, but I find it interesting.

 Shaylea, was the last girl I kissed. I truly do have a love for her. I don't know why, but she gives me hope. Hope to be a part of something bigger. I know I say some of the strangest things, but I truly love the people in my life. 

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