Thursday, March 17, 2011


What's in a promise? Is it something that you can keep? Can it be kept forever?

I have come to a big decision in my life of what I know to be right and what I want to be right. I want to live the gospel of Jesus Christ to it's fullest. I am a Son of God.

Life is a river, a river that sometimes we can't handle at times, but we know we can get through. I have never and don't ever want to hurt anyone or break anyones heart. Life isn't easy for me at all. I've made plans and have ideas that I want to live up to. I've been able to stand up after all of my choices that I've made. Today, more than ever, I must learn to stand up. It seems nearly impossible but I know what I must do. More than ever I know what it means to truly love someone. Sometimes, I feel, in life we have to push the things that we hold most dear away. No matter how hard it seems, the Savior is there to re-assure me that what I am doing is right, even though it seems nearly impossible. I'm sorry for any heartache I've caused to anyone in the world and especially to someone who is so important in my life right now. I'm learning to be strong by the decisions I am making and though that trust can't be there, it can still be built up again. Life is a journey. We meet amazing and incredible people. They go in and out of our lives in instances, almost like a blink of an eye. We must understand that in the end, all we hope for more than anything is they will return. I speak in riddles a lot but I hope that I can explain myself the best that I can. If that special someone is out there reading this I hope they know something. No matter how hard I push you away, I still care and love you so much. That's all I can say for myself. I'm preparing to serve a mission. I'm ready to be the lords for two years and serve him with all my mind, might, and soul.

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